Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League

Fan Conduct Policy

Melville Millionaires Zero Tolerance Policy for Fan Conduct

The Melville Millionaires are committed to providing a safe, respectful, and enjoyable environment for all players, coaches, officials, and spectators. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we have established a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding fan behavior at all games and events.

Prohibited Behavior

The following actions will not be tolerated:

1. Abusive Language & Harassment – Any form of verbal abuse, including yelling, taunting, or using offensive, discriminatory, or derogatory language toward players, coaches, officials, or other spectators.

2. Threats & Physical Violence – Any physical altercations, threats, or aggressive behavior.

3. Disruptive Behavior – Interfering with gameplay, excessive arguing with referees, or causing disturbances that negatively impact the game.

4. Intoxication & Substance Abuse – Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while attending games.

5. Vandalism & Property Damage – Destruction or defacement of property at the facility.

6. Entering the Playing Area – Unauthorized access to the field/court/rink or other restricted areas.

Consequences of Violations

Violations of this policy will result in immediate action, including but not limited to:

• Verbal Warning (if deemed appropriate).

• Ejection from the Event – Fans who violate this policy may be removed from the premises immediately.

• Suspension from Future Games – Repeated offenses may lead to a ban from attending future games.

• Law Enforcement Involvement – Severe violations may be reported to local authorities.


Event staff, security personnel, and team officials have the authority to enforce this policy. We ask all attendees to report any misconduct to the appropriate personnel immediately.

By attending our games, you agree to abide by this Zero Tolerance Policy. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a safe and positive environment for everyone.

Melville Millionaires Organization